
Pipefitter Supervisor Jobs - McDermott

Pipefitter Supervisor Jobs - McDermott

Job Description
• Maintain and updated the Fitting standard operating procedure.

• Provide leadership, direction, support and daily supervision for fitting crew.

• Responsible and accountable for the maintenance of fitting equipment and material which have been allocated to the project.

• Clearly delegate action and responsibilities and define deliverable requirement in term of scope and schedule to the team.

• Responsibilities for ensuring that each employee adequately trained and qualified to execute his work assignment competently and safety.

• Facilitate and maintain good inter-discipline communications and cohesion throughout the project.

• Responsible for ensuring seamless job continuity between shifts by establishing and maintaining good lines of communication.

• Continually review and institute measures for improvement by modification to operating procedures / work instructions.

• Fully understand and proactively invoke the company HSE policy, philosophy and procedure.

• Ensure the standard of fit-up is inspected and is acceptable is accordance with the relevant WPS and / or specification.

• Perform task risk assessment prior to work commencement.

• High standard of safe working practice, quality and productivity as well as compliance with code of business conduct.

Job Requirements Education:
• Senior High School graduate and/or posses fitting experience

• Supervision of hydro testing crews, planning, execution of tests and re-instatement activities.

• Previous hydrotesting experience essential, previous employment with PTMI preferred,

• Ex PTMI employee preferred candidate

Job Function - Discipline Fabrication-Construction

Location Batam, ID 29432
Education High School or Equivalent
Pipefitter Supervisor

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